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Cugino's – 1595 N Hwy 67 Florissant, MO 63031

Meetings Held Every

Fourth Thursday of every month


11:30am – 1:00pm

Upcoming Meetings and Events

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WEW National Conference

Get ready for our First-ever Women Empowering Women National Conference!

Q&A with Chapter Leader Ebony

Why do you believe in WEW mission?

I believe that women have leadership qualities and abilities that often go unrecognized and severely underutilized. I love the idea of Women Empowering Women and how the organization encourages women to support one another and not be so competitive with each other. I sat on my business idea for months and received so much encouragement from the WEW meeting I attended that I launched the business. I want to help other women gain the confidence and support to start the businesses they desire to realize.

What are some present and/or past organizations you have been a part of?

I held leadership positions in several Employee Resource Groups at AT&T for the past 20 years. I held the offices of President, Vice President, Membership Chair, Volunteer Coordinator. I have also worked very closely with and am a member of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis.
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