FeedbackWebmaster2023-03-19T21:00:40-05:00 Chapter Meeting Feedback Meeting Feedback (Attendees) Meeting Date * Chapter Name/Location * What was your overall meeting experience? * How satisfied are you with the quality of the speaker/presentation portion of the meeting? * Do you have any comments/suggestions/takeaways about the speaker or presentation? Do you have any comments/suggestions/takeaways for us to share with the chapter leader? Do you have any other feedback, ideas or suggestions for WEW in general? We are growing because of YOU and truly value your opinion. May we use any of your comments as a testimonial on our website or social media? Yes Yes, but do not share my name No May we share this information with the chapter leader? Yes Yes, but do not share my name No Name *May remain anonymous. Email Please know, I read every piece of feedback that comes in and we use many of the ideas and suggestions to build a better community. At WEW YOUR voice is heard! - Michell Stockmann, CEO Women Empowering Women Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.