Dr. Denise Turley

Dr. Denise Turley

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Denise Turley is not just an IT leader, she’s a bridge builder. With a dual passion for cutting-edge technology and empowering women, she navigates the worlds of academia and industry with the grace of a seasoned professional and the fire of a true advocate.
As an Assistant Professor in the Business Department, Dr. Turley ignites young minds with the latest advancements in Business topics, encouraging them to break boundaries and shatter glass ceilings. But her dedication doesn’t stop at the classroom door. She actively mentors women in the industry, sharing her hard-won expertise and championing their rise to leadership roles.
Driven by a deep understanding of the unique challenges women face in tech, Dr. Turley spearheads initiatives that foster collaboration and builds supportive networks. Whether it’s hosting workshops on building confidence in negotiation or facilitating connections with industry mentors, she’s constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible for women in IT.
But her impact extends beyond workshops and conferences. Dr. Turley is a sought-after speaker, inspiring audiences with her infectious enthusiasm and actionable insights.
So, what defines Dr. Turley? Is it her academic prowess, her industry leadership, or her unwavering commitment to women’s success? It’s all of these, woven together into a tapestry of purpose and passion. She’s a force to be reckoned with, a guiding light for aspiring women in tech, and a constant reminder that with dedication and support, the sky is no longer the limit, it’s just the beginning.


Presentation Title: The network is your net worth: Building intentional relationships for career success

Description of presentation that we can use for promoting event:

In today’s competitive job market, it’s not just about what you know, but who you know. But how do you build strong, meaningful relationships that can actually help you advance your career? The answer is intentional relationship building.
In this presentation, we’ll explore the power of intentional relationships and how they can benefit your career in countless ways.


I’m interested in speaking at: Virtual Event, Webinar, Conference

Presenting Experience:

Other topics to present:

Imposter syndrome

Ever felt like success is a fluke, accolades are an accident, and promotions are due to someone else’s mistake? You’re not alone. Imposter syndrome, that sneaky little gremlin whispering doubts in your ear, affects countless women in professional settings. But its reign of terror stops here!
In this session, we’ll shed light on the imposter’s hidden playbook and equip you with the tools to rewrite your own narrative. Get ready to:
• Demystify the impostor: We’ll explore the myths and realities of imposter syndrome, understanding its true nature and impact.
• Shift your spotlight: From self-criticism to self-celebration, learn how to reframe your achievements and embrace your worth.
• Build your tribe: Discover the power of supportive networks and find your cheerleaders who will amplify your confidence.
• Silence the inner critic: Develop practical strategies to challenge negative self-talk and replace it with empowering affirmations.
• Unleash your superpower: Walk away with a personalized action plan to slay the imposter beast and step into your full potential.

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Dr. Denise Turley

Email: dturley@comcast.net

Phone Number: 571-499-3533

Title and Business: Vice President, Corporate Applications, US Chamber of Commerce

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/dr-denise-turley

Presentation takeaways:

We’ll discuss:
• The difference between casual and intentional relationships
• The key benefits of building strong professional connections
• Practical strategies for building and nurturing intentional relationships
• How to overcome common challenges that can arise
• Tips for using your network to reach your career goals

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