Kelly Keefe

Kelly Keefe

Speaker Bio:

Kelly Keefe is an international best-selling author, a force of empowerment, a spiritual leader, and the founder of The Heartspace. Her book, Rise Above Fear, helps readers understand what fear is and how to rise above it by changing their relationship with fear and using it to their advantage.
The Heartspace was established by Kelly in New York City back in the Spring of 2016. It began with her offering 1:1 healing sessions and group cacao ceremonies after her travels and initiations in India, Guatemala, and the US with indigenous elders and leaders. Quickly the offerings expanded to include coaching and transformational guidance applying her training in personal development, mindset, and nuero-linguistic programming.
The Heartspace Healing Academy opened in 2018 to support others to ignite their healing abilities.


Presentation Title: Walk With Confidence: Quit Playing Small

Description of presentation that we can use for promoting event:

Elevate your self-confidence and liberate yourself from playing small, as you embark on a transformative journey that empowers you to walk with confidence, embrace your true potential, and create the life you desire.


How did you hear about this speaker opportunity, or did someone refer you? Referred by a client

Chapters you can speak at: Belleville, Illinois, Edwardsville, Illinois, O’Fallon, Illinois, West County, Missouri, Virtual EmPower Hour

I’m interested in speaking at: Virtual Event, In Person Event, Training/Workshop, Webinar, Conference

Presenting Experience:

Presenting Experience:

United Nations, 2019: Keynote & Workshop Facilitator
NYC & NJ School District K-12, 2017-2019: Motivational Speaker & Workshop Facilitator
Entrepreneur & Wellness Summits, 2013-present: Keynote Speaker, Panelist, & Workshop Facilitator
Corporate Events [live and Zoom]: Keynote Speaker & Workshop Facilitator
Women’s Empowerment Conferences: Keynote Speaker & Workshop Facilitator
Visionary & New Earth Development Summits: Keynote Speaker & Workshop Facilitator

Other topics to present:

5 Ways To Master Your Mindset For Increase Money, Focus, & Intuition
Leading Yourself & Others With Authenticity
Clear Your Blocks Around Money Today
Turn Up Your Empowerment Dial!
Together We Thrive: Team Building Workshop Series

Kelly Keefe


Phone Number: 609-608-4757

Title and Business: Transformational Therapist, Heartspace



Presentation takeaways:

Attendees will learn simple tools to discover what is holding them back, and how to overcome those fears to realize and achieve their potential. This could be in their personal or work life – the talk is universal for all who want to gain self-confidence!

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